Creative Industries Vol. 2: PLANET successfully continues its collaboration with INNOVATHENS

28 Sep 2017

PLANET, the Greek leading consulting company, as part of its successful collaboration with INNOVATHENS, will be supporting for the second time the Creative Industries entrepreneurship program organized by the Hub of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Technopolis City of Athens, following the success of the first program.
Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) are considered a dynamic and uprising sector where opportunities of innovation and entrepreneurship arise. Thus, the company happily provides its support to INNOVATHENS, by sponsoring its 6th accelerator circle that …

PLANET supporting the Voluntary Action initiative

27 Jul 2016

PLANET participated in the “Voluntary Action” event that took place on the 16th and 17th of July at the Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens. The event was organized by, a leading career portal in Greece.
The Voluntary Action event aimed at enabling further cohesion of the Volunteering ecosystem in Greece amid the ongoing crisis. The initiative gave the opportunity to Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), existing as well as potential volunteers, firms that implement Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, grassroots / …

PLANET continues its sucessful collaboration with INNOVATHENS through “Food for Business” innitiative

15 Jun 2016

PLANET, the Greek leading consulting company, continues its successful collaboration with INNOVATHENS, the Hub of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Technopolis City of Athens, through sponsoring the 4th “Food for Business” accelerator circle. This collaboration will be launched through the “Greek Gastronomy Stories” event to take place on the 16th of June 2016 at INNOVATHENS.
“Food for Business” is a three month entrepreneurship program that provides high quality information services, education and personalized mentoring/coaching to groups and startups who aspire to succeed …

Planet sponsoring the CrowdΗackathon Εvent

02 Jun 2015

Planet is sponsoring the CrowdΗackathon Εvent due to take place in Athens on June 13th and 14th  2015, with the purpose to foster the development of a mobile application to fight tax evasion in retail merchant transactions.
The event is organized by CROWDPOLICY in collaboration with INNOVATHENS, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub of Technopolis, established by the Municipality of Athens.
More information (in greek) is provided in the following website: