PLANET has been short-listed for the project:
Technical assistance for alignment and implementation of the EU Internal Market acquis (EuropeAid/137978/IH/SER/ME) in Montenegro.
The Ministry of Finance represented by the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU), 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro, is the Contracting Authority.
The project indicative budget is 1,170,000 EUR
Project Details
Facilitate trade and internal market development in compliance with the EU acquis communautaire.
This will be done through ensuring effective guidance and coordination by the related institutions in the alignment with the implementation of the EU Internal Market acquis in specific fields and enhancing the administrative capacity of all relevant institutions and organizations involved on the implementation of the Internal Market rules.
The Consortium with PRYSMA Calidad y Medio Ambiente, S.A. (ES) as leader, in consortium with PLANET S.A. (GR), EQO-NIXUS Advisory, Management and Training Services, S.L.U (ES) and Spanish Foundation for International Cooperation, Health and Social Policy (ES) as partners, belongs to the list of the 6 short-listed candidates.