PLANET SA has been appointed technical assistance consultant by the Managing Authority of the Regional Operational Programme of Epirus in order to support the first implementation phase of the Integrated Territorial Investment “Cultural Route in Ancient Theatres of Epirus”, providing services to the Regional Authority of Epirus, as the Strategy Body of the ITI.
This entails a series of activities on behalf of PLANET, starting from the design of a detailed coordination and monitoring plan that will allow the smooth implementation of the programme’s first phase. Moreover, the consultant will work on the delivery of the programme’s detailed baseline and preparatory activities as well the provision of monitoring services throughout the course of the first phase so as to help the client meet milestones, detect and avoid possible risks and overlaps. Finally PLANET will assist the Regional Authority of Epirus in identifying and applying for alternative funding opportunities by preparing all necessary proposal files.
Resources for the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investment programme come mainly from the European Regional Development Fund, with the contribution of national funds. They involve public and private investment, with the ultimate goal of growth and entrepreneurship, to ensure social cohesion.
The strategic objective of the Integrated Territorial Investment “Cultural Route in Ancient Theatres of Epirus” is the smart and sustainable development for all, through the establishment of a specialized and branded cultural tourism product.