Winning DG SRSS Framework Contract

25 Oct 2017

PLANET, as a member of a consortium  led by Roland Berger, was awarded a framework contract by the Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) for the provision of services to support the design and implementation of institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining structural reforms in EU Member States. The related  policy areas include cohesion, competitiveness, productivity, innovation, smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, jobs and investment. In particular, for the present Framework Contract, the policy areas listed are grouped in 5 sectoral categories :

  1. Governance and Public administration;
  2. Revenue administration and Public Financial Management;
  3. Growth and business environment;
  4. Labour market, health, social services;
  5. Financial Sector & Access to finance.

This framework contract is aimed at providing the Commission with support for the development and implementation of reforms primarily in:

  • the development and/or revision of strategies for the reform and improvement of public policies
  • the assessment of service provision and/or provide reorganization proposals with the aim of improving the quality of the public policy being assessed
  • the implementation of reform projects and/or institutional reorganization

The duration of the specific contract is 2 years.